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Child stdout set to "inherit" and "onData" listener

In a nodejs application I need to spawn a child process with stdio set to "inherit" mode, so basically:

var child = spawn('some/command', [], {
  stdio: [process.stdin, process.stdout, process.stderr]

This is quite important because I am expecting the child process to write to it's stdout in raw mode and I want this "raw output" visible to my users as well. At the same time I want to parse a regular output from that process. Normally I would do:

child.stdout.on('data', function () {
  // ...

but in this case, there's no child.stdout. The second guess is to use process.stdout, but frankly

process.stdout.on('data', function () {
  // ...

is not working as well. I am wondering if there's any other way to capture that data?


  • You could use a module like pty that would allow you create a "fake tty" that you can read/write from/to.