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Extending TemplateElement

I am not using Polymer and I am trying to extend the TemplateElement

class ItemTemplate extends TemplateElement{

and then register it

document.registerElement('item-template', ItemTemplate,extendsTag:'template');

but when i add the following to my html test page



in Chromium it outputs


which means the new element that extends TemplateElement is active and not acting as a template, any idea why?

E:this is not a duplicate i said i am not using polymer and there is no polymer in the tags and its specifically about the behavior of the html5 TemplateElement


  • I have no experience with extending elements without Polymer but I'm pretty sure you still need the `is="xx-yy" attribute like

    <template is="item-template">
    </template is="item-template">

    when you're extending a DOM element.

    Maybe there are other measurements necessary to make it work but this should at least bring you a step closer (maybe an error message about what's still missing)