I have relvar R={A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H} And FDs:
1. A -> B
2. CH -> A
3. B -> E
4. BD -> C
5. EG -> H
6. DE -> F
I have tried to derive BFG -> AE
and ACG -> DH
from those 6, and I think it is not possible.
How to prove that?
I found a way to do this.
Find a closure of set of attributes of BFG (notation BFG+). If there is A and E, it can be derived, otherwise it can't.
Same for ACG.
7. BFG+ = BFG (trivially)
8. BFG+ = BFGE (from 3.)
9. BFG+ = BFGEH (from 5. and 8., EG -> H)
There is nothing else we can do and there is not A, so it can't be derived.