I have a project that uses SCons to generate platform dependent source files which are compiled together with other shipped source files into static libraries and linked into the final executable, and that's it, no project files are generated for my IDE (Xcode)
I managed to add SCons as an external build system in a new Xcode project to build and debug the executable
What I want now is to customize the source code and add a few libraries removing Scons altogether as external build system. Scons is not practical in my case, too slow, and I don't want to mess with the scripts.
So the question is whether there is a feature in SCons to skip the build process but just generate the platform dependent source files?
I would like to make some customizations to the project and not mess with SCons at least until I need to do pull requests, that was my workfow with a previous project that used CMake to generate the Xcode project, SCons would require to modify the scripts.
Overriding Export()
in SConstruct
like the the code from below and adding the parameter skip_build
to the script, which sets the value of __SkipBuild, I was able to skip the build process altogether (i.e. compiling and linking), generating only the platform dependent sources
__Export = Export
__CommandsList = ['CC','CXX','AR','RANLIB','AS','LINK'] # The commands to skip from the build process
__SkipBuild = False
def Export(*vars, **kw):
for var in vars:
locals()[var] = call_stack[-1].globals[var]
if (call_stack[-1].globals['__SkipBuild']):
for command in __CommandsList:
if locals()[var].has_key(command):
locals()[var][command] = 'echo ' + locals()[var][command]
__Export(locals(), kw)