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How to use Vlc.DotNet in WPF?

I am trying to use VLC in WPF via Vlc.DotNet. I have been successful in getting Vlc.DotNet to work in Winforms, but thus far unsuccessful with WPF.

I get no errors, but I also get no video... just a blank white pane.

Here is my very simple XAML:

<Window x:Class="VLC.Wpf.MainWindow"
        Title="MainWindow" Height="350" Width="525" Closing="Window_Closing">

    <Grid x:Name="Grid1">


And here is the codebehind I use to insert and start the Vlc Wpf control.

public MainWindow()
    VlcContext.LibVlcDllsPath = CommonStrings.LIBVLC_DLLS_PATH_DEFAULT_VALUE_AMD64;
    VlcContext.LibVlcPluginsPath = CommonStrings.PLUGINS_PATH_DEFAULT_VALUE_AMD64;

    VlcContext.StartupOptions.IgnoreConfig = true;



    var vlcPlayer = new VlcControl();
    var media = new LocationMedia("rtsp://admin:12345@");


    var vlcBinding = new Binding("VideoSource");
    vlcBinding.Source = vlcPlayer;

    var vImage = new Image();
    vImage.SetBinding(Image.SourceProperty, vlcBinding);

    var vBrush = new VisualBrush();
    vBrush.TileMode = TileMode.None;
    vBrush.Stretch = Stretch.Uniform;
    vBrush.Visual = vImage;

    Grid1.Background = vBrush;


Does anyone see anything wrong with this?

Using Vlc 2.1.5 win32


  • You haven't set vlcPlayer's Media property.

    var vlcPlayer = new VlcControl();
    var media = new LocationMedia("rtsp://admin:12345@");
    vlcPlayer.Media = media; //add this

    Btw, you don't need to add vlcPlayer to Grid1.