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TemporalPoint as an array

Looks like my original question was not well formed so I will make it a little simpler :

Why is TemporalPoint an array ? In the book I see a TemporalPoint object called point . Brief code sample shows point.Data[0] and point.Data[1] . What would Data[1] represent ? The actual full code example shows only Data[0] being used so there is no example in the book that actually uses Data[1] .


  • Many examples of forecasting use a single value to predict future trends. For example, you might use data[0] to represent the value company1, to predict company1. However, you can use multiple values to predict company1. Perhaps you might want to put the volume of company1 into data[1]. You might also want to use the values of company1, company2 and company3 to predict company 1. In this case you place company1, company2 and company3 all into data[0], data[1] and data[2] respectively.

    If you were using the above length 3 array, then you have 3 TemporalDataDescription objects to describe each of these array elements. There is some more information in the Javadoc for TemporalMLDataSet and TemporalDataDescription. Links at: