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PostgreSQL, Calculating Number Of Drivers?

I have implemented a database for a taxi company. I have used PostgreSQL to create this database. I have 4 entities customer, firm, driver and bookings. Currently I am having trouble trying to find a way to calculate how many drivers there are for a certain firm.

In the driver entity a foreign key is used which is the 'firmid'. The 'firmid' creates a link which tells the database that a certain driver belongs to a certain firm.

In the firm table I have a column which is named 'no of drivers'. Currently I have to count the number of drivers manually that belong to a specific firm from the driver entity and input the integer into the column in the firm entity. Is there any kind of formula or some function that I can implement that can automate this process.

e.g If I was to delete a driver from the driver entity, the number of drivers in the firm entity for a specific record should decrement and vice versa for adding a driver.

This problem has really been bothering me for a week now.

UPDATE 20/12/2014

I have tried adding a constraint to check the number of drivers:

ALTER TABLE firm ADD CONSTRAINT numberofdrivers_check CHECK (driversno ~ (SELECT COUNT (*) AS drivers FROM driver d GROUP by d.firmno ORDER BY 01));

But I get the following errors:

ERROR:  operator does not exist: bigint ~ bigint
HINT:  No operator matches the given name and argument type(s). You might need to add explicit type casts.

Any ideas?


  • I'd recommend against storing an aggregate value like this in the database. Just calculate it when you need it.

    SELECT d.Firm_ID, count(*) AS Driver_Count
        FROM Drivers d
        GROUP BY d.Firm_ID