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Haskell words implementation

I tried to implement words function from Data.List, but my implementation doesn't work exactly as I wish.

For example, if the function's input is "tere vana kere" then the output is ["vana", "kere"] and it misses the first word. But when I add space in front of my input " tere vana kere" then the output is correct ["tere", "vana", "kere"]

Could someone point out the problem. Thank You

words' :: String -> [String]
words' xs = snd $ foldr (\x acc -> if isSpace x then 
                                    if null (fst acc) then
                                        ([], (fst acc): (snd acc)) 
                                     (x:fst acc, snd acc)   
                               ) ([],[]) xs


  • OK, so let's try this:

    step x acc =
      if isSpace x
          if null (fst acc)
            then acc
            else ([], (fst acc) : (snd acc))
        else (x : fst acc, snd acc)
    words' xs = snd $ foldr step ([], []) xs

    Now let's walk this through, one step at a time: Suppose we want words' "ABC DEF GHI". We can do it like this:

    Prelude> step 'I' ([], [])
    ("I", [])
    Prelude> step 'H' it
    ("HI", [])
    Prelude> step 'G' it
    ("GHI", [])
    Prelude> step ' ' it
    ("", ["GHI"])
    Prelude> step 'F' it
    ("F", ["GHI"])
    Prelude> step 'E' it
    ("EF", ["GHI"])
    Prelude> step 'D' it
    ("DEF", ["GHI"])
    Prelude> step ' ' it
    ("", ["DEF","GHI"])
    Prelude> step 'C' it
    ("C", ["DEF","GHI"])
    Prelude> step 'B' it
    ("BC", ["DEF","GHI"])
    Prelude> step 'A' it
    ("ABC", ["DEF","GHI"])
    Prelude> snd it

    Do you see the problem here?

    The trouble is, you only "flush" the current word into the word list when you see a space character. In particular, you don't flush when you see the end of the input. You can fix that by replacing snd:

    words' xs = (\ (w, ws) -> w:ws) $ foldr step ([], []) xs

    As an aside, congrats on making the code correctly handle multiple consecutive spaces. :-)

    EDIT: To preserve that nice property:

    words' xs = (\ (w, ws) -> if null w then ws else w:ws) $ ...