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Specifying Table to Connect to with Python Peewee

I have read the Peewee MySQL API documentation and this question; however, what I do not understand is how to connect to a specified table in a db using Peewee. Essentially all I'm trying to do is connect to a a table called Persons in a db called as_schema, set up some sort of basic object-relational mapping, and print out all entries' aNum column values.

My table Persons that I'm trying to read from has the following columns:

  • varchar called aNum
  • bool called access
  • bool called ajar
  • bool called ebr
  • date called weekof

My code consists of the following:

import peewee
from peewee import *

db = MySQLDatabase('as_schema', user='root',passwd='')#this connection path works perfectly, tried it using the standard MySQLdb.connect

class Person(Model):
    class Meta:
        database = db

class User(Person):
    aNum = CharField()

person = User(aNum = 'a549189');

for person in Person:
    print person.aNum

The error I'm getting is: enter image description here


  • class Person(Model):
        class Meta:
            database = db
            db_table = 'Persons'  # Add this.

    In the docs, you can find a list of supported meta options: