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i2c set clock freq. Radxa rock pro

I am trying to change the clock freq. to 400 kHz (fastmode) but I cant find the file.
The problem is, that
read(file,buf,1) takes 0.3 ms
read(file,buf,count) count > 1 returns the same buf[i] for i < count. It's the buf[0] value I would get if I would use read(file,buf,1). I think that's caused by the sensor as it wants the first bit of SUB to be 1 what the kernel doesnt provide.
The oszy. says, f = 88kHz, it shows 18 peaks for one "duration" and the delay between two "durations" is 0.2 to 0.3 ms
It should be the same as mentioned here but I cant find the file where I have to put that in/I cant find the header that declares that type.
Configure Linux I2C Speed
Secondly I can't find any docs about read() and write(). I cant even find the headerfile that defines write() and read(). The only usefull doc I found is, but that doesn't make sure what read and write really does
(sry had to destroy link as I havent got 10 rep yet :/) running debian server:

Cheers :)


  • I don't get why this question got two downvotes as it's not easy or answered somewhere else. Nevertheless I will answer my own question. I2c is compiled inside the kernel and it's not possible to use boot-param. to set the baudrate and there is no config file. You have to change the values in the src-code (for i2c-bus 0) and compile the kernel on your own. source on github:
    the files are named rk30 (that's what dmesg says)

    Also see: