I'm reading some Fortran 90 code and come across some concepts that I'm not familiar with.
Part of the code, which is defined to calculate dot product of two vectors, dmf_dotp
for real value, zmf_dotp
for complex ones.
#include mesh_inc.F90
interface dmf_dotp
module procedure dmf_dotp_1, dmf_dotp_2
end interface dmf_dotp
interface zmf_dotp
module procedure zmf_dotp_1, zmf_dotp_2
end interface zmf_dotp
In another file there are functions like:
R_TYPE function X(mf_dotp_1)(mesh, f1, f2, reduce, dotu) result(dotp)
R_TYPE function X(mf_dotp_2)(mesh, dim, f1, f2, reduce, dotu) result(dotp)
Then one can call these functions(or interfaces?) with zmf_dotp
or dmf_dotp
. So what's really going on here?
Edit thanks to Vladimir F. It turns out there are some preprocessor macros defined else:
#define X(x) z ## x
#define R_TYPE CMPLX
This is one of the ways one can do generic programming in Fortran without copy and paste everything.
I assume it actually looks similar to:
#define X(x) z ## x
#define R_TYPE CMPLX
#include mesh_inc.F90
#define X(x) d ## x
#define R_TYPE FLOAT
#include mesh_inc.F90
or similar, it seems that CMPLX
is another macro which leads to some kind of complex
and therefore I expect FLOAT to be some kind of real
, possibly double precision
This will actually lead for the preprocessed source code as
double precision function dmf_dotp_1(...)
double complex function zmf_dotp_1(...)
with the functions having similar or even identical body.
This enables you to write the relevant code only once and create reuse with under different names with different types.
Beware! The very popular gfortran compiler runs the C preprocessor in the "traditional mode" which does not support the ##