objects display this behavior, where $date++
returns the next day's date.
Date::Simple objects are immutable. After assigning $date1 to $date2, no change to $date1 can affect $date2. This means, for example, that there is nothing like a set_year operation, and $date++ assigns a new object to $date.
How can one custom-define the pre/post-incremental behavior of an object, such that ++$object
or $object--
performs a particular action?
I've skimmed over perlboot, perltoot, perltooc and perlbot, but I don't see any examples showing how this can be done.
You want overload
package Number;
use overload
'0+' => \&as_number,
'++' => \&incr,
sub new {
my ($class, $num) = @_;
return bless \$num => $class;
sub as_number {
my ($self) = @_;
return $$self;
sub incr {
my ($self) = @_;
$_[0] = Number->new($self->as_number + 1); # note the modification of $_[0]
package main;
my $num = Number->new(5);
print $num . "\n"; # 5
print $num++ . "\n"; # 5
print ++$num . "\n"; # 7