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How to add a menu item in Delphi's IDE context menu

I am trying to add some functionality to Delphi's IDE to easy myself. I have found how to add menu items to the IDE main menu using INTAServices.MainMenu, also was able to create some custom component editors, so I can have my own menu items in the component's context menu. But I want to add some functionality in the context menu of the source editor. I want to select some text in the source editor and right click on it, so I can transform it the way I need, using IOTAEditorServices.TopView.buffer.EditBlock.text and IOTAEditorServices.TopView.Buffer.EditPosition.InsertText(newText); Is this possible? Or easiest way is to use a shortcut to a main menu item?



  • actually it was a single line of code: myPopup := TPopupMenu(editorServices.TopView.GetEditWindow.Form.FindComponent('EditorLocalMenu'));