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Q_PROPERTY of type float on custom widget does not appear in the Property Editor

I'm working on a custom widget and wanted to make some float type properties. Unfortunately it doesn't seem that Qt Creator is a fan of those float type properties and isn't showing them in the property editor. All of my other properties work fine (int, bool, QString). Here's an example of how I declare the properties.

In the header file:

Q_PROPERTY( float Value
            READ getValue
            WRITE setValue
            RESET resetValue )
float Value;

// ...

float getValue();
void resetValue();
void setValue( float value );

And in the source file:

float MyWidget::getValue()
    return Value;
void MyWidget::resetValue()
    Value = 0;
void MyWidget::setValue( float value )
    Value = value;

Is there something special that needs to be done before floats can be used for widget properties?


  • double should work as for example QWidget::windowOpacity is a double type and it is displayed in the property editor. I am not sure why float doesn't work, but usually when some properties don't display in the property editor it is because it doesn't know what editor to use.