Search code examples

Ordinal Ranking in MySQL Update

I've got a table like this:

id    name    incidence    placeRef
1     John    10           1
2     Ann     9            1
3     Paul    9            1
4     Carl    8            1
5     John    4            1
6     Ann     4            1
7     Paul    7            1
8     Carl    1            1

I want to rank these using the ordinal ranking method. Which would add ranks to my table as such:

id    name    incidence    placeRef    rank
1     John    10           1           1
2     Ann     9            1           2
3     Paul    9            1           2
4     Carl    8            1           4
5     John    4            1           2
6     Ann     4            1           2
7     Paul    7            1           1
8     Carl    1            1           4

How can this be achieved?

N.B. I am going to answer my own question, but would like to know if anyone has any better solutions as it is a bit hacky; though I found numerous posts recommending hacks for this situation.


  • The following works:

    UPDATE names
    JOIN ( SELECT * FROM names ORDER BY placeRef, incidence DESC ) AS p ON =,
    ( SELECT @curRank := 0, @nextRank := 0, @prevInc := 9999999999, @prevPlace := 0 ) AS v
    names.rank = IF(  @prevPlace != p.placeRef, @curRank := 0, 0 ),
    names.rank = IF(  @prevPlace != p.placeRef, @nextRank := 0, 0 ),
    names.rank = IF(  @prevInc = p.incidence, @nextRank := @nextRank + 1, @curRank := @nextRank := @nextRank + 1 ),
    names.rank = IF(  @prevInc = p.incidence, @curRank := @curRank, @curRank := @nextRank ),
    names.incidence = @prevInc := names.incidence,
    names.placeRef = @prevPlace := names.placeRef;


    UPDATE names

    1 - Sets the table to be updated

    JOIN ( SELECT * FROM names ORDER BY placeRef, incidence DESC ) AS p ON =,

    2 - This makes a virtual table with the results ordered, so that rankings can be applied

    ( SELECT @curRank := 0, @nextRank := 0, @prevInc := 9999999999, @prevPlace := 0 ) AS v

    3 - This set some variables that will be used to tell when to incrament and reset the rank

    names.rank = IF(  @prevPlace != p.placeRef, @curRank := 0, 0 ),

    4 - This is a hack that resets the current rank to 0 when MySQL iterates into a new place

    names.rank = IF(  @prevPlace != p.placeRef, @nextRank := 0, 0 ),

    5 - This is a hack that resets the next rank to 0 when MySQL iterates into a new place

    names.rank = IF(  @prevInc = p.incidence, @nextRank := @nextRank + 1, @curRank := @nextRank := @nextRank + 1 ),

    6 - This is a hack that updates the next and current ranks when the current incidence is the same as the previous incidence

    names.rank = IF(  @prevInc = p.incidence, @curRank := @curRank, @curRank := @nextRank ),

    7 - This sets the rank to the same as the last rank when its incidence is the same as the previous or increments the rank if it isn't

    names.incidence = @prevInc := names.incidence,

    8 - This is a hack that sets a variable to contain the previous incidence, so we can tell what to do in the next itteration

    names.placeRef = @prevPlace := names.placeRef;

    9 - This is a hack that sets a variable to contain the previous place, so we can tell what to do in the next itteration