sorry to bother you guys with this most basic question.
so far I have managed to include the iAd feature into the apps - thanks to all you guys for the sample codes, my question is does anyone have a sample of screenshot of the "test ads" that were supposedly will be displayed on the devices during the testing period ? as accordance to the clause by iAd app network webpage :
Once you've implemented iAd in your app, make sure to test ads by running your app directly on an iOS device before submitting to the App Store. The iAd App Network can send "test ads" to help validate your implementation and error handling. If your app does not include the proper delegate to handle errors, it will be rejected by the App Review Team.*
so far i only see this images for the iAd on devices during test... no other:
the "You're Connected to iAd" image
anyone have a sample images of "test ads" from the iAd network ? or is this the "test ads" ?
your most kind reply is greatly appreciated.
Thank you
best regards.
This is the test ad. All things are working fine in your app. I don't have a screen shot to show you. But this is what I see all the time.