I'm still getting started with angular, and it seems that the "Angular way of things" is to separate the view from the controller, and as such, my DOM manipulation in angular seems very clunky so far since I have to do a lot of manual dom element selecting. My app currently looks something like this;
<div ng-controller="appController as appCtrl">
<div id="element1"></div>
<div id="element2"></div>
<div id="element3"></div>
<button ng-click="appCtrl.animateStuff()"></button>
app.controller('appController', ['animationFactory', 'domFactory', appControllerFunc]);
function appControllerFunc(animationFactory, domFactory) {
This = this;
This.animateStuff = function() {
app.factory('domFactory', [domFactoryFunc]);
function domFactoryFunc() {
var domFactoryContainer = {
getNgElementById: function(id) {
return angular.element(document.getELementById(id));
return domFactoryContainer;
function animationFactoryFunc() {
var animationFactoryContainer = {
animate: function(ngelement) {
// animates ngelement
return animationFactoryContainer;
Is there a way to somehow send DOM elements to the controller from the view's ng-click? Something like ngclick="ctrl.animateStuff([#element1],[#element2],[#element3])" so my controller just needs to get the parameters and manipulate them without even knowing anything about the DOM? Or can directives be used for this? if so, how?
If you can't use Angular's ngAminate (which doesn't require DOM manipulation as it uses css), you can build a custom directive. Directives are where DOM manipulation is allowed and you'd get the actual element passed into the directive, so there's no need for hard-coded ids.
But I recommend following @NewDev's suggestion.
This would be a possible stub for the directive:
module.directive('myAnimation', function() {
return {
restrict: 'A',
scope: {
enabled: '='
link: function(scope, element) {
// watch on enabled and start animation when set to true
And your markup:
<div my-animation enabled='enabled'></div>
<div my-animation enabled='enabled'></div>
<div my-animation enabled='enabled'></div>
<button ng-click="enabled=true"></button>