I'm using Boxen to configure several virtual machine build agents. Because these machines' host computer is password protected, I want to use automatic login and disable screen lock in these virtual machines' Boxen configuration.
By default, Boxen seems to reset the password screen lock timeout to 5 seconds whenever run. How do I disable this?
The Password screenlock out is from this boxen code:
class boxen::security(
$require_password = true,
$screensaver_delay_sec = 5
) {
boxen::osx_defaults { 'require password at screensaver':
ensure => present,
domain => 'com.apple.screensaver',
key => 'askForPassword',
value => $require_password,
type => 'bool',
user => $::boxen_user
boxen::osx_defaults { 'short delay for password dialog on screensaver':
ensure => present,
domain => 'com.apple.screensaver',
key => 'askForPasswordDelay',
value => $screensaver_delay_sec,
type => 'float',
user => $::boxen_user
So you should be able to remove it by adding this to your boxen setup:
class { 'boxen::security':
require_password => false,