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Recode in Car package returns unexpected symbol when recoding strings

I have run into a recurring issue when using the car package recode function. If I recreate a publicly used example (

and do:

y <- sample(c("Perch", "Goby", "Trout", "Salmon"), size = 10, replace = T)  
y1 <- recode(y, "c("Perch", "Goby") = "Perciform" ; c("Trout", "Salmon") = "Salmonid"")

It returns:

Error: unexpected symbol in "y1 <- recode(y, "c("Perch"

I am running R 3.1.0 and using car_2.0-22

I assume that the author of the page was able to complete their action posted, but I can't recreate it and it is the same issue I have in my data. Thoughts?


  • I was the author of the wordpress document - code is wrong and thanks for flagging the issue.

    Problem is that car::recode syntax requires a single quote rather than a double quote (or see comment from @MrFlick below on other acceptable syntax).

    y1 <- recode(y, 'c("Perch", "Goby") = "Perciform" ; c("Trout", "Salmon") = "Salmonid"')
    [1] "Perciform" "Salmonid"  "Perciform" "Salmonid"  "Salmonid"  "Perciform" "Salmonid"  "Perciform"
    [9] "Salmonid"  "Perciform"

    Should work.