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compass not working with mithril yeoman generator

I am trying to run the Mithril yeoman generator unfortunately it falls over on grunt serve with the error

Warning: Running "compass:server" (compass) task Warning: Couldn't find the compass binary. Make sure it's installed ...

I can of course use --force to continue and it works fine but the css is not included which is a bit pointless, and my next option would be to modify the gruntfile to only use Sass without Compass.

Note I have tried of the following suggestions from this issue log for grunt-contrib-compass:

npm install grunt-contrib-compass
sudo gem install sass
sudo gem install compass



  • The answer was found here

    In order to install compass On Mac OS X (Yosemite)

    Set Up Ruby Environment, ensure its up to date

    ruby -v
    sudo gem update --system

    Set Up MAC Environment, install Xcode Command Line Tools

    xcode-select --install

    This was the key to getting Compass working on OS X!

    Install Sass

    sudo gem install sass

    Install Compass

    sudo gem install compass