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How to use a mapbox map in cartodb

I tried to integrate this map: into cartodb. But, it doesn't work. I work with cartodb.js because I added some more queries, so I needed the right link for this part:

L.tileLayer('', {
      attribution: 'CartoDB'

Or if somebody knows a beautiful terrain map I am happy too.


  • Your tileLayer url is faulty, it expects the url to have placeholders for zoomlevel {z} and {x} and {y} for the axis values. You've used the url from an actual tile, which will not work.

    L.tileLayer('{z}/{x}/{y}.png?access_token={token}', {
        attribution: 'Mapbox',
        subdomains: ['a','b','c','d'],
        token: 'pk.eyJ1IjoiZmVsaXhtaWNoZWwiLCJhIjoiZWZrazRjOCJ9.62fkOEqGMxFxJZPJuo2iIQ'

    Note that as you can see, it also supports the {s} placeholder to load from multiple subdomains (which must be supported by your tileprovider. Mapbox does) which is much faster because browsers can simultaneously load from four subdomains at once. I also separated the access token from the url with the {token} placeholder to demonstrate that you can use your own custom tokens if needed.

    Here's a working example of this on Plunker:

    And here's the reference for Leaflet's L.TileLayer: