This may be a really dumb question but I've been searching the interwebs and haven't really found much helpful information. I have CodeKit 2 and I want to use Wordpress and Bootstrap in a project. I've never used Bower before but it looks really cool and I thought I'd give it a shot with CodeKit. I installed Wordpress, JQuery, and Bootstrap through the assets tab in my project and they installed into bower_components. In the video from Bryan Jones showing off Bower, he says not to move anything out of that folder or CodeKit won't see it as an asset anymore.
So my question is: how do I go about building my project from here? Obviously I don't want to have to run from the bower_components folder to do everything. In the Bower docs it says the easiest way is to just statically link the components you want. But I don't really understand how that would work with Wordpress and it seems like there'd be a better way to do it with CodeKit.
Thanks for the help!
There is no need to use Bower to manage wordpress, since wordpress can update itself very easily.
I think the best approach to building a WP site with Codekit is described in this tutorial: Use CodeKit 2.0 for Local WordPress Development.