Hi i have built an algorithm to calculate pi but i use long float for it so i just get 3.14159 as a result, i need more precision. How? here is the code:
#include <iostream>
#include <math.h>
using namespace std;
int main ()
long double a, l, p, pi, r;
long long int n, m;
r = 100000;
a = r * sqrt (3) / 2 ;
n = 100000;
m = 6;
while (n > m)
a = sqrt (r / 2 * (r + a));
m = m * 2 ;
l = sqrt (4 * (pow (r, 2) - pow (a, 2)));
p = m * l;
pi = p / (2 * r) ;
cout << pi << endl;
cout << "number of corners used: " << m << endl;
return 0;
By the way there is a 24 core (12 dual core nodes) supercomputer at my high school, just in case
There's more precision in that number than you're displaying. You just have to ask for it:
cout << std::setprecision(40) << pi << endl;
That gives me 3.141592653543740176758092275122180581093 when run on Codepad.
As double
should have way more than enough precision for basic calculations. If you need to compute millions of places, there isn't a standard floating point representation big enough to handle that.