Which better ways exist to avoid an abundance of isset()
in the application logic, and retain the ability to see debug messages (E_NOTICE) when required?
Presumption first: E_NOTICE is not an error, it's a misnomer and should actually be E_DEBUG. However while this is true for unset variables (PHP is still a scripting language), some file system functions etc. throw them too. Hence it's desirable to develop with E_NOTICEs on.
Yet not all debug notices are useful, which is why it's a common (unfortunate) PHP idiom to introduce isset()
and @ throughout the application logic. There are certainly many valid use cases for isset/empty, yet overall it seems syntactic salt and can actually obstruct debugging.
That's why I currently use an error_reporting bookmarklet and a dumb on/off switch:
// javascript:(function(){document.cookie=(document.cookie.match(/error_reporting=1/)?'error_reporting=0':'error_reporting=1')})()
if (($_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"] == "")
and $_COOKIE["error_reporting"])
else {/* less */}
However that still leaves me with the problem of having too many notices to search through once enabled. As workaround I could utilize the @ error suppression operator. Unlike isset() it does not completely kill debugging options, because a custom error handler could still receive suppressed E_NOTICEs. So it might help to separate expected debug notices from potential issues.
Yet that's likewise unsatisfactory. Hence the question. Does anyone use or know of a more sophisticated PHP error handler. I'm imagining something that:
Surely some framework must already have a user error handler like that.
Oh my, someone please help rewrite this. Lengthy explanation fail.
Well, if you wait for PHP 7, you'll have access to the null coalesce ternary operator, which, in addition to having the coolest operator name in existence (I'm naming my next kid "Null Coalesce") will let you do this:
$var = $some_array[$some_value] ?? "default value";
Which replaces the ubiquitous (and ugly)
$var = isset( $some_array[$some_value] ) ? $some_array[$some_value] : "default_value";