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What's the best way to handle Node.js flash messages?

I am a beginner with Node.js and i absolutely love it. I wonder how can i handle flash message the best and easiest way.

I used connect-flash package in my site. Does it have better ones?

I always put my flash messages in my render function like this:

res.render('auth/login', {
        title: 'Log in',
        success: req.flash('success'),
        error: req.flash('error')

Does it have a way to handle the gloabally? like in the res.locals.messages variable or something like this?

I use JADE html templating, so i print them like #{success}. How can i access a global variable this way to print my flash messages?

Thank you very much for your help and advices!


  • If you want to set the success and error variables in every request, you can use res.locals like you mentioned. You can accomplish this with middleware that you'll include after connect-flash:

    // ...
    app.use(function(req, res, next) {
      res.locals.success = req.flash('success');
      res.locals.error = req.flash('error');
    // ...

    Now, success and error will always be in every call to res.render.