I have a common problem that normally I would solve with locals
, but this time wont work.
I have the following block:
<% @user.followers.each do |follower| %>
<%= render "follower_card" %>
<% end %>
And the following partial:
<div class="row follower-card">
<%= image_tag follower.avatar_url(:smallthumb), class: "col-4 inline avatar_medium circle" %>
<ul class="col-8 inline">
<li><%= follower.name %></li>
<li><%= follower.location %></li>
<li class="lightgray small inline"><span class="bold"><%= follower.photos.count %></span> Spots</li> -
<li class="lightgray small inline"><span class="bold"><%= follower.albums.count %></span> Spotbooks</li>
I'm getting the following error:
undefined local variable or method `follower' for #<#<Class:0x007fe791a4c8d0>:0x007fe799b14b98>
This should work (specifying the follower
<%= render "follower_card", follower: follower %>
Anyway, I recommend you to use collection
rendering for performance reasons. Take a look here: http://guides.rubyonrails.org/layouts_and_rendering.html. Should be something like:
<%= render "follower_card", collection: @user.followers %>
Related question: Render partial :collection => @array specify variable name
Old syntax to pass variables to partials is also valid (verbose, but less elegant IMHO):
<%= render partial: "follower_card", locals: { follower: follower } %>