I've started using Symfony2 Framework which looks very great for me. After creating the first bundles to rebuild an existing project with Symfony2 I came to this problem:
I've created a {% block navigation %}
in base.html.twig, where my navigation is placed.
Then, in my bundle, i'm extending the base.html.twig and the navigation is visible.
Everything's fine.
My problem is that I want to show a greeting to logged in users, but the base.html.twig has no Logic or Container, and I'm wondering how I can "push" the user information so that I don't need to define the user information in the controller of every bundle.
At the moment, my controller action looks like this:
public function indexAction()
$sUser = $this->getUser();
return $this->render('@WhatEver/index.html.twig', array(
'sUser' => $sUser
So my question is: How can I manage my project so that the user information in the navigation exists from every bundle?
Is a Twig Extension the right way to go? Or do I need to change the way i'm including templates?
Thanks to everyone who can help me out with this!
The standard Symfony user can be accessed directly in Twig by using;
{{ app.user.username }}