I have my app inside a container and it's reading environment variables for passwords and API keys to access services. If I run the app on my machine (not inside docker), I just export SERVICE_KEY='wefhsuidfhda98'
and the app can use it.
What's the standard approach to this? I was thinking of having a secret file which would get added to the server with export
commands and then run a source
on that file.
I'm using docker & fig.
The solution I settled on was the following: save the environment variables in a secret file and pass those on to the container using fig.
have a secret_env
file with secret info, e.g.
export GEO_BING_SERVICE_KEY='98hfaidfaf'
export JIRA_PASSWORD='asdf8jriadf9'
in my .gitignore
have a secret_env.template
file for developers, e.g.
export GEO_BING_SERVICE_KEY='' # can leave empty if you wish
export JIRA_PASSWORD='' # write your pass
in my fig.yml
I send the variables through:
source secret_env
before building