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Sonar configuration for Java + Javascript project

I have a project with java (backend) and javascript parts (frontend).

I need to configure Sonar to get test results and coverage report.

For Java I have tests:

  • Junit
  • REST-assured

Used maven plugins for test report and coverage: JoCoCo, Surefire, Failsave

For JS part I have:

  • Angular Unit test
  • UI test

To run tests and get reports was used:

  • Runners: Karma and Protractor
  • Task manager: Grunt

So I need:

 to get reports from:

 #1 - Java Unit tests
 #2 - Java Integration Tests
 #3 - JS Unit tests
 #4 - JS UI tests

As it multilingual project I have to use sonar runner , instead of mvn sonar:sonar.

** How can I setup for the project? **

I found some useful link, but still cannot get how to create common project:


  • You can take a look at the following sample project to get inspired: