I use TYPO3 CMS 6.2.9 and the Versatile News System (tx_news). For my User (Editor), I'll only allow to add new news records in my specific sys-folder. Here's my pageTSconfig for the sys-folder:
### only for EDITORS usergroup 2
[usergroup = 2]
# only show "new news and news tag" for a new data record
mod.web_list {
allowedNewTables = tx_news_domain_model_news, tx_news_domain_model_tag
It works.
But how can I translate the labels, for example in german: "Artikel" and "Nachrichten-Tag" in List-View for my Editor. I can't find these strings in Ext. news folder (typo3config/ext/news). In this case, I'll use tx_news not for NEWS, so it won't confuse my backend-user (editor) ;)
I#m talking about this List View:
I can translate all other labels via TCEFORM
TCEFORM.tx_news_domain_model_news.title.label.de = Überschrift
but not the labels at list view.
Thanks for your help.
These labels are configured in TCA for given table and only way to override it is changing it's value i.e. by adding this line to typo3conf/extTables.php
$TCA['tx_news_domain_model_news']['ctrl']['title'] = 'Change me...';
Problem with this is you can't do it conditionally by default, maybe this EXT will help you (as mentioned on some forum it's not maintained anymore)
How to find it: Every table has its TCA (required) so you can find it with editor, or using SYSTEM > Configuration module to browse currently loaded TCA.