We have an app in the store that was built with Titanium. When the user register's their data is stored locally like this:
Ti.App.Properties.setString('registration', JSON.stringify(regData));
We are updating to a new version that is built with Cordova. I am trying to load the old reg data like this:
(This uses the plugin me.apla.cordova.AppPreferences)
If I install v1 (Titanium) and save the reg data, then update to v2 (Cordova), the error handler is called when fetching. How can I load the existing app preferences?
Note: This works as intended on iOS.
The AppPreferences
Cordova plugin retrieves Android default preferences like this:
But Titanium stores preferences under the name "titanium". So to load the old Titanium prefs, I added this code to the Cordova plugin:
SharedPreferences tiPrefs = cordova.getActivity().getSharedPreferences("titanium", 0);
This code only runs if the default preferences are null. If found, I know that the app is being updated from the old version. So, I immediately translate and re-save the preferences with the Cordova plugin. Next time the app runs, it loads the default preferences as expected by the Cordova plugin.