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Removing Item from List in Scheme leaves empty null list element

I have the following code:

 (define (atom? x)
   (and (not (null? x))
   (not (pair? x)))) 

 (define delete 
   (lambda (atom l)
       ((null? l) '())
       ((atom? l) 
          ((not(eq? atom l)) l)
          (else '())
       (else (cons (delete atom (car l)) (delete atom (cdr l))) )

The goal is to remove a certain character from this list. For instance,

 (delete 'a '(a b a) )  ==> (b)

Instead of this I am getting:

  (delete 'a '(a b a) )==> (() b ())

I am brand new to scheme. I have tried not returning anything if the value is found, however that just makes it behave like:

 (delete 'a '(a b a) )==> (#<void> b #<void>)

Any ideas? Many thanks!


  •  (define delete
          (lambda (atom l)
                    ((null? l) '())
                    ((atom? (car l))
                              ((eq? atom (car l)) (delete atom (cdr l)))
                              (else (cons (car l) (delete atom (cdr l))))
                    (else (cons (delete atom (car l)) (delete atom (cdr l))))

    This solution is more basic and easier to understand from the fundamentals.