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Search bounding rectangles (axis aligned) for a given query point in 2 dimensions

I have a set of very many axis-aligned rectangles which maybe nested and intersecting. I want to be able to find all the rectangles that enclose/bound a query point. What would be a good approach for this? EDIT : Additional information-
1. By very many I meant ~100 million or more.
2. The rectangles are distributed across a huge span (span of a country). There is no restriction on the sizes.
3. Yes the rectangles can be pre-processed and stored in a tree structure.
4. No real-time insertions and deletions are required.
5. I only need to find all the rectangles enclosing/bounding a given query point. I do not need the Nearest Neighbors.

As you might have guessed, this is for a real-time geo-fencing application on a mobile unit and hence -
6. The search need not be repeated for rectangles sufficiently far from the point.

I've tried KD trees and Quad-Trees by approximating each Rectangle to a point. They've given me variable performances depending on the size of the rectangles. Is there a more direct way of doing it ? How about r trees?


  • You need to look at the R*-tree data structure.

    In contrast to many other structures, the R*-tree is well capable of storing (overlapping) rectangles. It is not limited to point data. You will be able to find many publications on how to best approximate polygons before putting them into the index, too. Also, it scales up to pretty large data, as it can operate on disk, too.

    R*-trees are faster when bulk loaded; as this can be used to reduce overlap of index pages and ensure a near-perfectly balanced tree, whereas dynamic insertions only guarantee each page to be at least half full or so. I.e. a bulk loaded tree will often use only half as much memory / storage.

    For 2d data, and your type of queries, a quadtree or grid may however work just well enough. It depends on how much local data density varies.