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Has anyone worked with aldeed:tabular package in meteor?

I am trying aldeed:tabular package in meteor from here. Here is my code

client side:

TabularTables = {};
Books= new Mongo.Collection('books');

Meteor.isClient && Template.registerHelper('TabularTables', TabularTables);

TabularTables.Books = new Tabular.Table({
  name: "BookList",
  collection: Books,
  columns: [
    {data: "title", title: "Title"},
    {data: "author", title: "Author"},
    {data: "copies", title: "Copies Available"},


In html file:

{{> tabular table=TabularTables.Books class="table table-striped table-bordered table-condensed"}}

I can see the table formed but i am having problem in showing data in table. What i am doing wrong?


  • Maybe you defined TabularTables only on client side? Defining it as a shared resource (eg. outside the client folder) should fix your problem.