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How to set checkbox property in a group of checkboxes

in the following snippet, I want (from a group of checkboxes) to disable the correspondent check button:

var leftradios  = "input[name='ctl00$ContentPlaionCode1']";
var rightradios = "input[name='ctlC1$rblPositionCodfde2']";
for (i=0;i<5;i++) {
   if ($(leftradios)[i].checked) {
   $(rightradios)[i].prop('disabled', true); //<--- this should be the culprit

What is wrong with the last line? Thank you.


  • replace it with

    $(rightradios).eq(i).prop('disabled', true);

    square brackets accesses the array like object and gets the native DOM node, not the jQuery object, and the native DOM node has no prop method.

    Another option would be

    $(rightradios)[i].disabled = true;