I have a method that is run via delayed_job. There is a field where the user inputs the days they do not want the task to run on e.g
days_off = ["Wednesday","Thursday"]
whenever a the method is run I want to check if todays day is in the 'days_off' array and if so then add 24hrs to the delayed job
if days_off.include? Time.now.strftime("%A")
Call.delay(run_at: (DateTime.now + 24.hours )).my_method(c)
however I'm not sure how to check the days_off array for consecutive days, i.e in the example above the method should have a delay of 48hrs as it shouldn't be run on a wednesday (today) or a thursday
I would start with something like this:
days_off = ["Wednesday","Thursday"]
if days_off.include? Time.now.strftime("%A")
one_day = 60 * 60 * 24
next_run = Time.now
while days_off.include? next_run.strftime("%A")
next_run = next_run + one_day
puts "call.delay() with next_run goes here"
puts "call.my_method() goes here"