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Transfer wiki between different MediaWiki versions manually by copying files

I am using which "one-click installs" a mediawiki stack on my MacBook. This means I can point my browser to http://localhost:8080/mediawiki/Main_Page and create my wiki from that page (which I did, putting several months of neuroscience research work into this wiki).

I upgraded Mavericks -> Yosemite, and it no longer worked.

Bitnami fixed their stack; upgrading /Applications/mediawiki-1.23.3-0 -> /Applications/mediawiki-1.23.6-0 gives me a fresh Wiki.

But how to transfer all my old wiki across?

This is what the filesystems look like:

pi@piBookAir.local ~ /etc:
 ⤐  ls /Applications/mediawiki-1.23.3-0/
README.txt  apps        common      img php     scripts
apache2     changelog.txt    licenses    mysql       properties.ini  sqlite      use_mediawiki

(mediawiki-1.23.6-0 has identical structure)

I attempt to find where my user data is being kept:

pi@piBookAir.local ~ /etc:
 ⤐  sudo find /Applications/ -iname "*dendrite*"

ok, that is finding a couple of PDF-s I added into the wiki as resources.

So I've attempted to overwrite:




And making the following modifications to mediawiki-1.23.6-0//apps/mediawiki/htdocs/LocalSettings.php :

## Database settings (old x.3 version)
$wgDBtype           = "mysql";
$wgDBserver         = "localhost";
$wgDBname           = "bitnami_mediawiki";
$wgDBuser           = "bitnami";
$wgDBpassword       = "d77297bcc6";

## (new x.6 version):
## $wgDBtype           = "mysql";
## $wgDBserver         = "localhost:3306";
## $wgDBname           = "bitnami_mediawiki";
## $wgDBuser           = "bitnami";
## $wgDBpassword       = "ed5e8d6e1c";

i.e. Using the old settings Also replacing "1.23.3" -> "1.23.6" everywhere.

However, this doesn't work. If I keep the new password it does produce a standard empty wiki page. With the old password no page loads, there is an error.

I also tried posting on the Bitnami forum: but can't see how to implement the reply.

How can I transfer my wiki, short of having to reinstall Mavericks + mediawiki-1.23.3-0, make a backup of the wiki, and then upgrade again to Yosemite + mediawiki-1.23.6-0 and restore from this backup?

EDIT: here is the complete 1.23.3 file structure (that somehow contains my original wiki data:


  • There are a couple of ways:

    1. Dump your DB from the old version and import to the new DB that you'll be using.

      mysqldump -h hostname -u userid --password --default-character-set=whatever dbname > backup.sql

    2. Export your Wiki to XML and then import it.

    "To create an XML dump, use the command-line tool dumpBackup.php, located in the maintenance directory of your MediaWiki installation. See Manual:dumpBackup.php for more details."