When ever i tries to enter date into sqlparameter it keeps on popping string was not recognized , i even tried to use ParseExact()
but its still showing an error.
My .aspx :
<asp:TextBox ID="txtfromdate" runat="server" Width="90px" Height="20px">
<cc1:CalendarExtender ID="calender1" runat="server"
aspx.cs :
SqlParameter[] prm = {
new SqlParameter("@ContractName",SqlDbType.NVarChar){Value=txtContractname.Text.Trim()},
new SqlParameter("@FromDate",DateTime.ParseExact(txtfromdate.Text,"dd/MM/yyyy",null)),
new SqlParameter("@ToDate",DateTime.ParseExact(txtToDate.Text,"dd/MM/yyyy",null)) ,
new SqlParameter("@VenID",SqlDbType.Int){Value=Convert.ToInt32(ddlsupplier.SelectedValue)} ,
new SqlParameter("@CreatedBy",SqlDbType.Int){Value=Convert.ToInt32(Session["UserID"])}, //chng
new SqlParameter("@OrgID",SqlDbType.Int){Value=Convert.ToInt32(Session["orgID"])},
new SqlParameter("@Termsnconditions",SqlDbType.NVarChar){Value=txtTermsandconditions.Text} ,
new SqlParameter("@Module",SqlDbType.NVarChar){Value=ddlModule.SelectedValue} ,
new SqlParameter("@Filename",SqlDbType.NVarChar){Value=ddlAttachment.SelectedValue} ,
new SqlParameter("@Currency",SqlDbType.NVarChar){Value=ddlCurrency.SelectedItem.Text} ,
new SqlParameter("@ContractNumber",SqlDbType.NVarChar){Value =txtContractNumber.Text.Trim()}
I suspect the problem is the culture installed on the server; /
in a custom DateTime
specifier doesn't actually represent /
- it represents the DateSeparator
. If you actually want it to use /
, the simplest way to do that is to explicitly specify the invariant culture; try simply replacing the null
(in ParseExact
) with CultureInfo.InvariantCulture
. If that still doesn't work, then I strongly suspect that the incoming value is not quite 12/12/2012
- it could, for example, have whitespace or unicode hidden characters in it.