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Django: activate() not showing effect

I have the following line in python shell:

>>> import pytz
>>> from django.utils import timezone
>>> zone = "Asia/Kolkata"
>>> timezone.activate(pytz.timezone(zone))
datetime.datetime(2014, 12, 17, 1, 52, 0, 411937, tzinfo=<UTC>)

But the output which I get is still using UTC. Should not it be converted into "Asia/Kolkata"?


If i use commands suggested by dazedconfused below:

zone = "Asia/Kolkata"
if zone:
utc_date = datetime.utcnow()
aware_date = timezone.make_aware(utc_date, timezone.utc)
l_time = timezone.localtime(aware_date, timezone.get_current_timezone())

And now when i try to save it on my database(Mongodb on Mongolab) it gets saved as UTC I have a DateTimeField in my database.

Although when i save it as a simple string it gets saved in current timezone that is "Asia/kolkata" Output as string: 2014-12-17 11:01:53.028852+05:30


  • It actually successfully sets the current time zone to "Asia/Kolkata"

    You can verify by:

    >>> timezone.get_current_timezone_name()

    From the django documentation:


    Returns a datetime that represents the current point in time. Exactly what’s returned depends on the value of USE_TZ:

    • If USE_TZ is False, this will be a naive datetime (i.e. a datetime without an associated timezone) that represents the current time in the system’s local timezone.

    • If USE_TZ is True, this will be an aware datetime representing the current time in UTC. Note that now() will always return times in UTC regardless of the value of TIME_ZONE; you can use localtime() to convert to a time in the current time zone.

    So, if your system's local timezone is 'Asia/Kolkata', you can set USE_TZ to False in your and the will return what you want.

    Or, you'll have to use localtime() to convert the timezone to yours (continue from your shell results):

    >>> import datetime
    >>> utc_date = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
    >>> aware_date = timezone.make_aware(utc_date, timezone.utc)
    >>> timezone.localtime(aware_date, timezone.get_current_timezone())
    datetime.datetime(2014, 12, 17, 8, 0, 36, 598113, tzinfo=<DstTzInfo 'Asia/Kolkata' IST+5:30:00 STD>)

    Lastly, here's the documentation of the make_aware() function