I have a data frame with data in the following format:
Month1 Month2 Month3 Month4 Month5 Month6 Month7 Month8 Month9 Month10 Month11 Month12 Month13 Month14 Month15 Type Subject
2.5617749 2.3900798 2.4261968 3.2463769 2.8622897 2.9429682 3.3301257 2.5712439 2.1379820 2.1297074 1.8171952 1.3065964 0.6729969 0.2342636 0.2643012 Filing 1 Tools of the Trade
2.6787155 3.3005452 3.2765383 3.2594204 3.1994482 2.9489934 3.0170951 2.9648050 2.5933965 2.7525476 2.6949229 2.7816262 2.6125091 2.7238804 2.4219048 Filing 1 Who's at the Door?
1.3769416 1.7417689 1.5411681 1.6315268 1.4034428 2.0020882 1.5563825 1.1329947 1.1466544 1.4037866 1.2279484 1.0863116 1.1081301 0.9657535 0.9496937 ProcessServing 1 Adobe Acrobat
1.5634082 1.9899706 1.8965844 2.0455116 2.0640787 1.8585767 1.4652345 1.5646704 0.9417121 1.5804423 1.3644140 0.8991399 0.8865172 1.4111854 1.1476721 ProcessServing 1 EService
This is just sample data, I have a total of 4 Type
and 7 Subject
categories. Here's the output of dput(head(avgRevenueBySubject))
structure(list(Month1 = c(2.32452852540217, 2.39838024319443,
1.38763119669326, 1.67197010492586, 2.39230240910008, 2.56177491674571
), Month2 = c(2.25983235807464, 2.80008703157276, 1.92684823894878,
1.81781945992201, 3.11274605464608, 2.39007978845121), Month3 = c(2.45378041585838,
2.73603115114115, 2.15154625461568, 2.28897180500678, 3.2072070366587,
2.42619683055328), Month4 = c(2.50950054817085, 2.89118356394795,
2.19502538520019, 2.28141567102663, 3.0504767706406, 3.24637686954766
), Month5 = c(2.53858195315855, 2.5939498734771, 2.35786859462019,
2.24828684346212, 3.02313315871281, 2.86228969522596), Month6 = c(2.20551945443653,
2.11372073519497, 2.24466703665554, 2.17193033864937, 2.70377966653074,
2.94296818999896), Month7 = c(2.09246043688626, 2.50841794197685,
2.30673064217475, 1.91220323933604, 2.7369954829105, 3.33012570803583
), Month8 = c(2.22553189078165, 2.44113695766249, 2.26140266497664,
1.764621178248, 2.62183982786095, 2.57124386952199), Month9 = c(1.99424045532198,
1.9091795918852, 2.20375474567921, 1.75651288161892, 2.40383936923673,
2.13798204834703), Month10 = c(2.15229842709522, 2.52246522784505,
2.01002146553544, 1.74130180371386, 2.53194432666157, 2.12970742947938
), Month11 = c(2.26866642573734, 2.21939880654197, 1.96811894944027,
1.54314755700399, 2.81563101112808, 1.81719515748861), Month12 = c(2.21540768941806,
2.09996453939828, 2.14269489036386, 1.69009446249139, 2.52435113546707,
1.30659644388318), Month13 = c(2.01407795696169, 2.19110438349199,
2.08594091270487, 1.66310710284536, 2.30479375587374, 0.672996949673077
), Month14 = c(1.85702016208139, 2.18375170870693, 2.28394628775105,
1.64612604028705, 2.51616863736761, 0.234263615828042), Month15 = c(1.7562791061015,
2.38349140169948, 1.96156382849473, 1.78529825283472, 2.36734279344632,
0.264301216598792), Type = structure(c(2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L
), .Label = c("eServices 1", "Filing 1", "ProcessServing 1",
"Research 1"), class = "factor"), Subject = c("Adobe Acrobat",
"EService", "OCeFiling", "SD eFiling", "Saving Trees & Time",
"Tools of the Trade")), .Names = c("Month1", "Month2", "Month3",
"Month4", "Month5", "Month6", "Month7", "Month8", "Month9", "Month10",
"Month11", "Month12", "Month13", "Month14", "Month15", "Type",
"Subject"), row.names = c(NA, 6L), class = "data.frame")
I'm trying to plot this information using the following code:
q <- ggparcoord(data = avgRevenueBySubject,
columns = 1:15,
groupColumn = 17,
showPoints = FALSE,
alphaLines = 0.3,
shadeBox = NULL,
scale = "globalminmax",
title = "Average Revenue by Training Subject"
) +
geom_vline(aes(xintercept=3.5),color='blue',linetype="dashed", size=1) +
facet_wrap(~Subject,scales='fixed', nrow = 4) + geom_line(size=1)
q <- q + theme_minimal() + xlab('Months') + ylab('Average Revenue (on log scale)') +
theme(legend.position = "none") + theme(axis.text.y = element_text(hjust=0, angle=0),
axis.text.x = element_text(hjust=1, angle=45),
plot.title = element_text(size=20))
and I get the following plot:
Now as we can see that I'm getting different color in each facet
and the same color in every individual plot.
I would like to see different colors for the 4 lines on each individual plot and the colors of these lines to be the same across individual facet
Any help would be much appreciated.
As far as I can tell, ggparcoord
drops columns from the data set it does not use. So if you want to use a variable in the facet that you did not reference in ggparcoord()
, then you're going to have a problem.
One work around is to modify the data in in the ggplot
object directly. Normally i'd say this is a bad idea but right now I don't see any other way.
q<-ggparcoord(data = avgRevenueBySubject,
columns = 1:15,
showPoints = FALSE,
alphaLines = 0.3,
shadeBox = NULL,
scale = "globalminmax",
title = "Average Revenue by Training Subject"
# data to merge
mm <- cbind.data.frame(.ID=1:nrow(avgRevenueBySubject), Subject=avgRevenueBySubject$Subject)
#merge data
q$data<-merge(q$data, mm)
#finish plot commands
q <- q+ geom_vline(aes(xintercept=3.5),color='blue',linetype="dashed", size=1) +
facet_wrap(~Subject,scales='fixed', nrow = 4) + geom_line(size=1)
q <- q + theme_minimal() + xlab('Months') + ylab('Average Revenue (on log scale)') +
theme(legend.position = "none") + theme(axis.text.y = element_text(hjust=0, angle=0),
axis.text.x = element_text(hjust=1, angle=45),
plot.title = element_text(size=20))