Search code examples

Theme Development: Adding custom handle bar helpers

For the techno theme I wanted to make custom hb helpers and configuration available to users. To do this I applied an override to the [ghost root]/index.js.

The code below searches for index.js in the current theme folder and runs it.

var ghost = require('./core'),
    errors = require('./core/server/errorHandling');

.then(function (param) {

    var settings = require('./core/server/api').settings;

        .read({key: 'activeTheme', context: {internal: true}})
        .then(function (result) {

            try {
                require('./content/themes/' + result.value + '/index')();
            catch (e) {
                //No custom index found, or it wasn't a proper module.

.otherwise(function (err) {
    errors.logErrorAndExit(err, err.context,;

The theme level index.js injects custom blog variables (from a config file) and hb helpers.

var hbs = require('express-hbs'),
    _ = require('lodash'),
    downsize = require('downsize'),
    blogVariable = require('../../../core/server/config/theme');

module.exports = function() {

    //This block allows configuration to be available in the hb templates.
    var blogConfig = blogVariable();
    var config = require('./config') || {};
    blogConfig.theme = config;

    ////Custom hb helpers////

    hbs.registerHelper('excerpt', function (options) {


        return new hbs.handlebars.SafeString(excerpt);



An example of using the custom blog variables is below.

<ul class="list-inline">
    <li><a href="{{}}" class="btn-social btn-outline" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="top" title="Github"><i class="fa fa-fw fa-github"></i></a>

Is there a better way to do this in Ghost 0.4.2? I do not like having users override the ghost core index.js file.


  • There is a blog post explaining how to do this only by modifying the config.js file, and adding a file to the root directory. I agree with the author that this is more likely to be update-proof.



    To the top of config.js

    And add helpers to your helpers.js file like so:

    var hbs = require('express-hbs');
    module.exports = function(){  
        hbs.registerHelper('json', function(context) {
          return JSON.stringify(context);