Question on how to check for a desired 401 REST response with Cucumber.
Items of note: - This is not a Rails app. - Cucumber version is 1.3.17 - I'm using rest_client 1.7.3: - I have steps:
When a GET request is made with no token
Then status code should be '401'
And definitions:
When /^a GET request is made with no token$/ do
@response = RestClient.get "http://<hidden>"
Then /^status code should be '(\d+)'$/ do |code|
expect(@response.code).to eq(code.to_i)
The "Then" works fine for a '200' response, but I'm stopped from testing for a 401 because the run errors out on the "When" with, you guessed it, a 401 error.
I've searched all over the interwebs for suggestions. I've tried the @allow-rescue tag before my scenario (which seems to be a RAILS thing - but I tried it anyway.) I haven't found a way to do a 401 test.
Anyone have any ideas (other than looking at the failures in the test report and saying 'yup, those are supposed to fail'?)
Thanks, Ed
Looking at the documentation for RestClient:
You could either run it in a try/catch block:
RestClient.get ''
rescue => e
You can pass a parameter to the RestClient that will have it return the exception instead.
RestClient.get(''){|response, request, result| response }