I'm starting to hit a wall with my Heroku app.
I'm well aware of the normal issues with slug size, re: images, PDFs, and other materials but my problem likely revolves around other assets brought in by bower or possibly build packs.
https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/slug-compiler Heroku Slug Size After Multiple Deployments
My Heroku compliled slug looks like so:
$ du -h --max-depth=1
4.0K ./.bower-tmp
30M ./tmp
24K ./features
236K ./config
195M ./public
4.0K ./log
34M ./bin
792K ./db
355M ./vendor
8.0K ./.heroku
22M ./app
64K ./lib
8.0K ./.bundle
136K ./.bower-registry
22M ./.bower-cache
24M ./node_modules
12K ./.profile.d
By far the largest is Vendor (355M), but my local vendor folder is in fact empty as is public (195M).
But on heroku it looks like:
40M vendor/ruby-2.0.0
21M vendor/node
32K vendor/heroku
12K vendor/assets
103M vendor/jvm
192M vendor/bundle
195M public/assets (bower bloat?)
Which I'm guessing is one of several build packs for bower and for PDF generation.
My app itself looks lean-ish at 22M, but my current heroku SLUG is 298.4MB! and the vendor directory alone is more than that according to du
, should I not be using these build packs and instead migrate to asset compilation on my local machine between builds? I'm not sure what a good deployment strategy (/ slug diet) should look like, any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
I also tried rebuilding the slug from what I read had worked for others, but to no effect. Slug size after compilation remained the same.
heroku plugins:install https://github.com/heroku/heroku-repo.git
heroku repo:rebuild -a appname
GIST of build: https://gist.github.com/holden/b4721fc798bdaddf52c6
UPDATE 2 (after following the excellent idea presented by drorb)
12K ./.profile.d
21M ./app
4.0K ./log
812K ./db
8.0K ./.heroku
236K ./config
195M ./public
19M ./.bower-cache
60K ./lib
253M ./vendor
4.0K ./.bower-tmp
128K ./.bower-registry
34M ./bin
30M ./tmp
24M ./node_modules
24K ./features
8.0K ./.bundle
12K vendor/assets
193M vendor/bundle
21M vendor/node
32K vendor/heroku
40M vendor/ruby-2.0.0
Public/Assets (very long)
The size of vendor/jvm
is 103M. Since you are not using JRuby the only reason I could find for having it is using the yui-compressor gem. Looking at the heroku-buildpack-ruby it seems that the JVM is installed in this case:
def post_bundler
if bundler.has_gem?('yui-compressor') && !ruby_version.jruby?
ENV["PATH"] += ":bin"
If you can avoid using yui-compressor you should be able to save 103M on your slug size.