I am integrating a 2D JavaScript game engine I wrote with Angular. The game is a space game where the engine handles the simulation of the space environment and Angular handles the menus for trading goods with space stations, etc.
Angular services act as an interface between the two contexts. For instance, when the game needs to log a message, it calls logServiceInstance.logDebug("Some message");
. There's a ConsoleController that feeds log messages to an HTML div (uses ng-repeat on $scope.logs) that overlays the game canvas:
.controller('ConsoleController', ['$scope', 'LogService', function($scope, logService) {
$scope.logs = logService.getLogs();
Because the game engine is updating the service outside of Angular, Angular doesn't know about some of these logs so all of the log methods (logInfo, logError, logDebug, etc) call into this on the logService. Logs created from the game pass 'true' as the second argument to trigger a digest:
addLog: function(log, updateContext) {
console.log('(' + log.level + ') ' + log.message);
// NOTE: updateContext should be passed if log is
// called outside of Angular context. This way Angular
// reacts to the change.
if(updateContext != null && updateContext === true) {
// notify angular of a change
The ConsoleController fails to pull log messages consistently. Logs are missed in the HTML display but show up in the javascript console. Additionally, I get errors that I'm triggering a digest within a digest.
Thanks in advance, Angular gurus.
Note: game engine is https://bitbucket.org/profexorgeek/frostflake-js-game-engine/
How do I know if a digest is already in progress from some other source?
if (!$rootScope.$$phase) {
or just
$rootScope.$$phase || $rootScope.$digest();
Depending on your specific situation, you could want to do $rootScope.$$phase || $scope.$digest();
note $scope instead $rootScope
Services seem like the best way to unify passing states between two frameworks but is this a bad pattern? If so, why?
This pattern is recommended. Services are Singletons, what makes them appropriate places.