I've been working with Storm topologies and Cassandra databases for relatively short period of time.
I recently realized that my development environment's spec is not strong enough for my testing, so I deployed a 3-node Cassandra cluster on Google Cloud instance.
Now I'd like to let Storm topology (hosted on a separate box) to insert into Cassandra.
Obviously, this feature is not enabled by default, and I'd like to have a guideline of how to, securely, open Cassandra for database queries from different IP in production scenario. ( I suspect that Google protects its instances with a firewall as well?)
Following Carlos Rojas's directions in THIS LINK, I could open the ports to access Cassandra from outside the network computer. Also, you can open ports in your firewall using this line :
gcutil addfirewall cassandra-rule --allowed="tcp:9042,tcp:9160" --network="default" --description="Allow external Cassandra Thrift/CQL connections"