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nginx rewrite url with dates in and change the format

I'm just moving my blog over to Ghost and all was ok except for around 50% of my blog posts are broken due to the date not being zero padded i.e.

old site format:

new site format:

Removing the /blog/index.cfm was easy via

location /blog/index.cfm {
    rewrite ^/blog/index.cfm(/.*)$ $1 last;

But cannot think of a way to zero pad dates (and there is around 700 posts).


  • Put several rewrites.

    location /blog/index.cfm {
        # 2013/1/1
        rewrite ^/blog/index.cfm(/\d+)/(\d)/(\d)(/.*)?$ $1/0$2/0$3$4 last;
        # 2013/1/11
        rewrite ^/blog/index.cfm(/\d+)/(\d)/(\d\d)(/.*)?$ $1/0$2/$3$4 last;
        # 2013/11/1
        rewrite ^/blog/index.cfm(/\d+)/(\d\d)/(\d)(/.*)?$ $1/$2/0$3$4 last;
        # all other
        rewrite ^/blog/index.cfm(/.*)$ $1 last;