I am working on a module which adds Friendship-based relationships to a Schema.
I'm basically trying to do what this guy is trying to do (which, AFAIK, should work--which is discouraging)
Why is find(...)
in FriendshipSchema.statics.getFriends
never reaching its callback?
EDIT - Please allow me to explain the expected execution flow...
inside accounts.js
) which
which exports a function that creates FriendshipSchema
, adds static methods, returns Friendship
which exports the mongoose plugin that adds static and instance methods to `AccountSchema.FriendsOfFriends.plugin
(see friends-of-friends/index.js
) to plug-in the functionality from friends-of-friends/plugin.js
which calls this.getFriends
refers to the Account
model once it is compiled, and since the plugin added schema.statics.getFriends
, calling this.getFriends
within AccountSchema.statics.search
will call schema.statics.getFriends
as defined in friends-of-friends/plugin.js
, which will call Friendship.getFriends
(defined by FriendshipSchema.statics.getFriends
in friends-of-friends/friendship.js
) which calls this.find(...)
which should translate to Friendship.find(...)`account.search('foo', function (...) {...});
, but as you can see in FriendshipSchema.statics.getFriends
, the find
method executes, but its callback is never invoked and the program hangs :(I don't get any errors, so I know this is a logic problem, but I'm not sure why things are getting hung up where they are...
EDIT - see my answer below, I also needed to compile the models before I could call find
on them.
var mongoose = require('mongoose'),
passportLocalMongoose = require('passport-local-mongoose');
var FriendsOfFriends = require('friends-of-friends')();
// define the AccountSchema
// username, password, etc are added by passportLocalMongoose plugin
var AccountSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
created: { type: Date, default: Date.now },
profile: {
displayName: { type: String, required: true, unique : true, index: true },
firstName: { type: String, required: true, trim: true, index: true },
lastName: { type: String, required: true, trim: true, index: true },
// plugin the FriendsOfFriends plugin to incorporate relationships and privacy
AccountSchema.plugin(FriendsOfFriends.plugin, FriendsOfFriends.options);
AccountSchema.statics.search = function (userId, term, done) {
var results = {
friends: [],
friendsOfFriends: [],
nonFriends: []
this.getFriends(userId, function (err, friends) {
// never reaches this callback!
AccountSchema.methods.search = function (term, done) {
AccountSchema.statics.search(this._id, term, done);
module.exports = mongoose.model('Account', AccountSchema);
* @author Jeff Harris
* @ignore
var debug = require('debug')('friends-of-friends');
friendship = require('./friendship'),
plugin = require('./plugin'),
privacy = require('./privacy'),
relationships = require('./relationships'),
utils = require('techjeffharris-utils');
module.exports = function FriendsOfFriends(options) {
if (!(this instanceof FriendsOfFriends)) {
return new FriendsOfFriends(options);
var defaults = {
accountName: 'Account',
friendshipName: 'Friendship',
privacyDefault: privacy.values.NOBODY
this.options = utils.extend(defaults, options);
* The Friendship model
* @type {Object}
* @see [friendship]{@link module:friendship}
this.friendship = friendship(this.options);
* mongoose plugin
* @type {Function}
* @see [plugin]{@link module:plugin}
this.plugin = plugin;
debug('this.friendship', this.friendship);
var debug = require('debug')('friends-of-friends:friendship'),
mongoose = require('mongoose'),
privacy = require('./privacy'),
relationships = require('./relationships'),
utils = require('techjeffharris-utils');
module.exports = function friendshipInit(options) {
var defaults = {
accountName: 'Account',
friendshipName: 'Friendship',
privacyDefault: privacy.values.NOBODY
options = utils.extend(defaults, options);
debug('options', options);
var ObjectId = mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId;
var FriendshipSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
requester: { type: ObjectId, ref: options.accountName, required: true, index: true },
requested: { type: ObjectId, ref: options.accountName, required: true, index: true },
status: { type: String, default: 'Pending', index: true},
dateSent: { type: Date, default: Date.now, index: true },
dateAccepted: { type: Date, required: false, index: true }
FriendshipSchema.statics.getFriends = function (accountId, done) {
var model = mongoose.model(options.friendshipName, schema),
friendIds = [];
var conditions = {
'$or': [
{ requester: accountId },
{ requested: accountId }
status: 'Accepted'
debug('conditions', conditions);
model.find(conditions, function (err, friendships) {
debug('this callback is never reached!');
if (err) {
} else {
debug('friendships', friendships);
friendships.forEach(function (friendship) {
debug('friendship', friendship);
if (accountId.equals(friendship.requester)) {
} else {
debug('friendIds', friendIds);
done(null, friendIds);
debug('though the find operation is executed...');
return mongoose.model(options.friendshipName, FriendshipSchema);
var debug = require('debug')('friends-of-friends:plugin'),
mongoose = require('mongoose'),
privacy = require('./privacy'),
relationships = require('./relationships'),
utils = require('techjeffharris-utils');
module.exports = function friendshipPlugin (schema, options) {
var defaults = {
accountName: 'Account',
friendshipName: 'Friendship',
privacyDefault: privacy.values.NOBODY
options = utils.extend(defaults, options);
var Friendship = mongoose.model(options.friendshipName);
schema.statics.getFriends = function (accountId, done) {
var model = mongoose.model(options.accountName, schema);
var select = '_id created email privacy profile';
Friendship.getFriends(accountId, function (err, friendIds) {
if (err) {
} else {
model.find({ '_id' : { '$in': friendIds } }, select, done);
schema.methods.getFriends = function (done) {
schema.statics.getFriends(this._id, done);
The issue was related to which instance of mongoose was being required.
Within my main app, I was requiring mongoose from app/node_modules/mongoose
whereas my friends-of-friends
module--having listed mongoose as a dependency in package.json
--was requiring mongoose from app/node_modules/friends-of-friends/node_modules/mongoose
, which created two separate mongoose instances, which made things not work.
I removed mongoose as a dependency, removed the nested node_modules
folder, and vioala, it works, again :)
should have RTFM
| lib/
| node_modules/
| | mongoose/ <-- main app required here
| | friends-of-friends/
| | | node_modules/ <-- deleted; mongoose was only dep
| | | | mongoose/ <-- friends-of-friends module required here
| server.js