I'm trying to customize angular-leaflet markerclusters with the following code :
overlays: {
defaultOverlay: {
type: 'markercluster',
name: 'defaultOverlay',
visible: true,
layerOptions: {
showCoverageOnHover: true,
disableClusteringAtZoom: 15,
iconCreateFunction: customMarkerCluster
I have a test sample of 7 markers, defined like so :
markers: [
_id: "548f0ab268dc96e7587c0f8f",
group: "testgroup1",
lat: 20.973368,
lng: 40.849463,
title: "IMPERIUM",
message: "215 Rockaway Parkway, Delshire, Ohio, 9191",
icon: $scope.icons.onlineNotifIcon,
status: 1
If I hide the overlay with visible: false or don't use an overlay, I get the correct amount of markers but customMarkerCluster will never be called.
With visible:true, I get 3 clusters of 4 markers (12 markers instead of 7)
How can I prevent markercluster from generating incorrect clusters when I use an overlay ?
apparently, my option group was messing with markercluster generation, I deleted group and everything works fine (+ cleaned my example)
"_id": "548f0ab268dc96e7587c0f8f",
lat: 28.239855,
lng: 14.752357,
title: "BITTOR",
message: "856 Furman Avenue, Comptche, Nebraska, 3995",
icon: $scope.icons.onlineIcon,
status: 0