Here is the command I use (on a windows box):
$ FCIV -md5 C:\Files -xml C:\data\config.xml -r
It creates the xml as expected but the md5 checksums seem to be wrong. If I run the following command:
$ FCIV -md5 file.txt
I get what I believe to be the correct checksum (matches what linux box gives me). Either way I don't understand why outputting to config.xml would have a different checksum of the file.
If I output the second command to xml the md5 checksum seems to be wrong (same sum as the first command).
Is there a parameter I need that I can't find (I've googled, man page..)? Or am I misunderstanding how something works here? As always, appreciate the help! :)
So the problem was that FCIV encoded the hash in Base 64 when saving to xml. Here is the link that answered my question:
Basically used the command: echo 'FCC9sNSHaSfhqpYS3JwEgKzeL3I=' | openssl enc -base64 -d | xxd -p. Had to yum install vim-common.
The following link was also helpful, explaining the problem: