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Can't public static on a final

I am sure there's a super simple explanation and it'll make me feel stupid, but I just can't figure it out. Pastebin , line 18:

public static boolean loadTextures() {
    try {
        final Texture STONE = loadPNG("main\\textures\\stone.png"); // This line here I can't do public static final...         
    } catch (IOException e) {
         return false;
    return true;

I would like STONE to be public static final, but eclipse says only final is a legal modifier. How would I go about declaring a public static final variable?


  • You can't declare a static variable inside a method, since a method has only local variables.

    Move it outside your method.

    Change this :

    public static boolean loadTextures() {
                    try {
                            final Texture STONE = loadPNG("main\\textures\\stone.png"); // This line here I can't do public static 

    to this :

    public static final Texture STONE = loadPNG("main\\textures\\stone.png");
    public static boolean loadTextures() {
                    try {